Friday, January 15, 2021

Types of Research According to Purpose


Following are the different types of research on the basis of purpose.

1.         Basic Research

         Basic research concerns with generalization and the formulation of theory. It is initiated by curiosity or the researcher’s interest in a particular subject. This type of research is used to expand knowledge, not to create or invent something. Basic research lays the foundation for the applied research.

Strengths of Basic Research

  • ·         Basic research is typically curiosity-driven.
  • ·         Basic research frequently leads to new insights into the essence of phenomenon.
  • ·         It is usually unpredictable in nature, in terms of its processes and outcomes.
  • ·         It is the verifiable which makes scientific knowledge a firm kind of knowledge.

2.         Applied Research

Applied research is the implementation of theoretical study upon a problematic situation. It applies theories and facts to know about the nature of the problem and recommend solutions. This type of research is used to test and verify theories, discover facts, and give immediate answers to questions. It involves practical problems of society to improve the human condition. This type is widely used by researchers as it helps to address worldly common problems such as overpopulation, pollution, depletion of natural resources, drought, floods, deprivation of the underprivileged, declining moral standards, and disease. Researchers in this field try to find solutions to existing problems. The approach is much more utilitarian as it strives to find information that will directly influence practice.

Strengths of Applied Research

It is designed to solve practical problems of the modern world, rather than to acquire knowledge for the sake of knowledge.

3.         Action Research

It is an inimitable form of applied research and a reflective process of modern problem solving. It is also called “practitioner research” because of the involvement in real life problem. In action research the practitioner is involved in the collection of data, analysis, interpretation and implementation of results. This type of research can be effectively undertaken by larger organizations or institutions, assisted or guided by professional researchers, in order to improv their strategies, practices, and knowledge of the environments. Action research is an interactive inquiry process that balances the remedial actions implemented in a particular context to understand underlying causes which would enable future predictions about personal and organizational change.

Strengths of Applied Research

It enables the researcher to explore the nature of their practice and to improve it. It encourages the practitioner to become knowledge-makers, rather than merely knowledge-users.

4.         Evaluation Research

Evaluation research, also known as program evaluation is the systematic assessment of the time, money, effort, and resources spent in order to achieve a certain goal. It uses many of the same methods used in traditional social research. It is used to evaluate any program or organizational activity. It is the evaluation of implemented programs about their effectiveness. There are three main types of evaluation.

1.      Concurrent evaluation-means process evaluation

2.      Phase or periodic evaluation- means stage wise evaluation

3.      Terminal evaluation-Evaluation after the completion of the program


5.         Inter-Disciplinary Research

This is the most effective research type to understand complex social problems, as social problems are interwoven, it is hard for a researcher to be strict to one discipline and leave the others. Through this type of research, a researcher is privileged to enjoy the benefits of multi-discipline strategies to acquire a solution to complex problems. It is the study of structure or functions of a particular discipline or comparison of one discipline with another.

6.         Exploratory Research

Exploratory research is done to investigate a problem that has not been studied or profoundly investigated in the past. In exploratory research, the researchers try to gain familiarity with an existing phenomenon and obtain new insight into the details of the problem. In exploratory research, the research process varies according to the finding of new data or insight. The answer to the questions like what, how, and why are acquired in this research. 

7.         Descriptive Research

Descriptive research is done to describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon under study. In this research, the focus is more on the “what” of the research subject than the “why”. The difference between exploratory and descriptive research is that exploratory research discovers the ideas and thoughts, whereas, descriptive research describes mainly the functions and characteristics of a certain problem. The descriptive research uses description, classification, measurement, and comparison to describe.


Sunday, January 10, 2021

Types of Research


Types of research in terms of Purpose, method, and approach are discussed in this blog. There are different categories to describe types of research in social sciences. These are categorized according to:-

  •       Purpose
  •      Method
  •    Approach

According to Purpose

According to purpose, we have different types of research namely,

  •          Applied Research
  •          Exploratory Research
  •          Descriptive Research
  •          Evaluation Research

Applied Research

Applied research aims at finding solutions to pressing problems that society and organizations are facing by employing well-known theories and principles. Sometimes, applied research is conducted to determine the possible uses or applications of the findings of basic research. These researches are conducted on large scale and expensive.

Exploratory Research

Exploratory research is done to investigate a problem that has not been studied or profoundly investigated in the past. In exploratory research, the researchers try to gain familiarity with an existing phenomenon and obtain new insight into the details of the problem. In exploratory research, the research process varies according to the finding of new data or insight. The answer to the questions like what, how, and why are acquired in this research. 

Descriptive Research

Descriptive research is done to describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon under study. In this research, the focus is more on the “what” of the research subject than the “why”. The difference between exploratory and descriptive research is that exploratory research discovers the ideas and thoughts, whereas, descriptive research describe mainly functions and characteristics of a certain problem. The descriptive research uses description, classification, measurement, and comparison to describe.

Evaluation Research

Evaluation research, also known as program evaluation is the systematic assessment of the time, money, effort, and resources spent in order to achieve a certain goal. It uses many of the same methods used in traditional social research. It is used to evaluate any program or organizational activity.

According to Method

    According to the research method, the types of research are as follows: -

  •           Analytic Research
  •          Survey Research
  •          Experimental Research

Analytical Research

    Analytical Research involves critical thinking skills and the evaluation of facts and information relative to the research. Through analytical research, a researcher finds out critical details to add new ideas regarding the phenomenon under study. Some scholars conduct analytical research to find supporting evidence to improve existing literature. Analytical research is conducted in multiple ways including literary research, public opinion, scientific trials, and Meta-analysis.

Survey Research

Survey Research is a process of conducting research using surveys that researchers send to various respondents. The data collected from surveys is then statistically analyzed to draw meaningful research conclusions. Survey research is a quantitative method for collecting information from respondents through survey questions. It is useful for researchers who aim at communicating new features or trends to their respondents.

Experimental Research

Experimental research strictly follows scientific research design. It includes a hypothesis, a variable that can be manipulated by the researcher, and variables that can be measured, calculated and compared. Experimental research is completed in a controlled environment. The researcher gathers the data and results will either support or refute the hypothesis. This method of research is referred to a hypothesis testing or a deductive research method.

According to Approach

  •          Quantitative Research
  •          Qualitative Research
  •           Mix Method Research

Quantitative Research

    The quantitative research method refers to a systematic investigation of observable phenomena through a mathematical and most especially statistical technique. Therefore, in a quantitative research method, the researcher analyzes the data with the help of statistics and hoping to produce logical and unbiased results.

Qualitative Research

In the Qualitative research method, sophisticated statistical treatment not required. Define more broadly, the qualitative research method is a scientific investigation of non-quantifiable phenomena, holistic description, and exploration of the meaning. In qualitative research, why and how questions of human experience are answered. In terms of purpose, a qualitative research method aims to know the meaning, nature, and dynamics of a certain phenomenon or situation under investigation.

Mixed-Method Research

The mixed research method as the name suggests involves a systematic integration or combination of both quantitative and qualitative research methods in the investigation of a particular phenomenon, event or situation. The method is based on the combination of both the quantitative and qualitative methods or types of research will result in a complete and more meaningful interpretation of data.


Wednesday, January 6, 2021



There are two types of research in terms of the nature and purpose of this study, namely,

·        Basic or fundamental research and

·        Applied research

Basic Research

Basic research investigates the basic reasons and principle behind a particular phenomenon or event. Basic research is also referred to as theoretical research. As a theoretical research this type is driven by pure curiosity and the desire to expand knowledge on a specific subject or discipline. Hence, we can see, basic research may not necessarily lead to an immediate use or application. For example, looking at the factors that trigger depression. Although this type of research does not address the real-world problems, basic research is equally vital as it enhances our understanding of the world around us. This is because this type of research provides us with a systematic and deep insight into a problem that is having significance to our life and the society. Scholars further divide basic research into pure and strategic types of research. Pure research is generally conducted purely for advancement of knowledge, while strategic research is conducted with the intention to provide a broad base of knowledge which may help in addressing a specific problem.

Applied Research

Applied Research on the other hand, aims at finding solutions to pressing problems that society and organizations are facing by employing well known theories and principles. Sometimes, applied research is conducted to determine the possible uses or applications of the findings of basic research. An example of an applied research is a study that attempts to determine the impact of mining and the socio-economic life of the indigenous peoples.

Basic and applied research are further divided into three types of research in terms of methods, namely,

·        Quantitative Research

·        Qualitative Research

·        Mixed Research Method


Quantitative Research Method

Quantitative research method refers to a systematic investigation of observable phenomena through a mathematical and most especially statistical technique. Therefore, in quantitative research method, the researcher analyzes the data with the help of statistics and hoping to produce logical and unbiased results. Now, in terms of purpose, quantitative research method aims to develop mathematical models, hypotheses and theories that pertained to the quantifiable phenomena under investigation. As we can see, quantitative research method is numerical in nature, and employs statistics and mathematics in the interpretation of data. This explains why results in the quantitative research method are presented in tables and graphs. Thus, research papers that employ a quantitative research method are full with tables and graphs. As this well known, quantitative research method is widely employed in the social sciences, such as sociology, psychology, gender studies, Development Studies, economics, community health, demography, and political science. Researchers in education also employ quantitative research method, although other educational research themes can be conducted using a qualitative research method.

Qualitative Research Method

In Qualitative research method, sophisticated statistical treatment not required. Define more broadly, qualitative research method is a scientific investigation of non-quantifiable phenomena, holistic description and exploration of the meaning, nature and dynamics of the said phenomenon or situation. In qualitative research, why and how questions of human experience are answered. A concrete example of a qualitative research is a study that attempts to determine the lived experiences of senior high school teachers who were asked to teach subjects that are not aligned with their field of specialization. For instance, in the Philippine educational system, humanities graduate teachers in the senior high school were asked to teach science subjects. Needless to say, these teachers have been experiencing problems in terms of mastery and content delivery. That is one of the best ways to help these teachers deliver a quality instruction is to know their lived experiences, particularly their difficulties and challenges. This is because once we know the difficulties and challenges that these teachers have been experiencing, we can easily offer some practical alternatives that may help address the problem. A qualitative research method is non numerical, descriptive exploratory and narrative in nature. It investigates the why and how questions of human experience and attempts to understand holistically a particular phenomenon or situation. And in terms of purpose, a qualitative research method primarily aims to know the meaning, nature and dynamics of a particular phenomenon or situation under investigation.

Mixed Research Method

The mixed research method as the name suggests, involves a systematic integration or combination of both quantitative and qualitative research methods in the investigation of a particular phenomenon, event or situation. The fundamental premise of this method or type of research is that the integration or combination of both the quantitative and qualitative methods or types of research will result in a holistic and more meaningful interpretation of data. In most cases, the qualitative aspect of this type of research supports the findings and conclusion arrived at the quantitative interpretation of data. But of course, on the other hand, the quantitative aspect may also support the findings and conclusion arrived at in a qualitative interpretation of data. Mixed method originates in the social sciences, but it has been expanded recently into the medical and Allied Health Sciences, such as nursing, social work, community health, mental health, pharmacy, and alternative medicine. Mixed method may involve analyzing both numerical and non-numerical data. The results discussed in tables and graphs are backed up by a strong narrative. At a same time, mixed method can also be exploratory and conclusive.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Introduction to Research

What is research?

The process to discover new knowledge is called research.  It is a systematic investigation (i.e., the collection and analysis of information) to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge. Research is based on the Scientific Method (systemic process) 

The Scientific Method is based on observing a particular phenomenon and creating a hypothesis about the relationships of various variables. A hypothesis can be defined as an informed and calculated prediction or explanation about something. In the research process, the hypothesis is tested and then examined the results as they relate to both the hypothesis and the world around. When a researcher forms a hypothesis, it guides the researcher on which factor is important and how they might relate to each other. through this, the researcher can interpret the information and can produce sound conclusions based on the results.

Research is done on human beings, animals, plants, or any phenomenon. However, in the case of human beings and animals, it must follow specific rules about their treatment. This ensures the dignity and respect of the subject, and that the research causes no harm.

The value of the research is based on its design and composition. The design or plan of research draws a map and course of action for the research. The researcher's role is to maintain the research line of action according to the set plan. 

Difference Between various Types of Research

  When a new student is introduced to various types of research, he/she finds it difficult to differentiate among these closely defined an...