Following are the different types of
research on the basis of purpose.
1. Basic Research
of Basic Research
- · Basic research is typically curiosity-driven.
- · Basic research frequently leads to new insights into the essence of phenomenon.
- · It is usually unpredictable in nature, in terms of its processes and outcomes.
- · It is the verifiable which makes scientific knowledge a firm kind of knowledge.
2. Applied Research
research is the implementation of theoretical study upon a problematic
situation. It applies theories and facts to know about the nature of the
problem and recommend solutions. This type of research is used to test and verify
theories, discover facts, and give immediate answers to questions. It involves
practical problems of society to improve the human condition. This type is widely
used by researchers as it helps to address worldly common problems such as
overpopulation, pollution, depletion of natural resources, drought, floods, deprivation
of the underprivileged, declining moral standards, and disease. Researchers in this
field try to find solutions to existing problems. The approach is much more
utilitarian as it strives to find information that will directly influence
of Applied Research
It is designed to solve practical
problems of the modern world, rather than to acquire knowledge for the sake of knowledge.
3. Action Research
It is an inimitable
form of applied research and a reflective process of modern problem solving. It
is also called “practitioner research” because of the involvement in real life
problem. In action research the practitioner is involved in the collection of
data, analysis, interpretation and implementation of results. This type of
research can be effectively undertaken by larger organizations or institutions,
assisted or guided by professional researchers, in order to improv their
strategies, practices, and knowledge of the environments. Action research is an
interactive inquiry process that balances the remedial actions implemented in a
particular context to understand underlying causes which would enable future
predictions about personal and organizational change.
of Applied Research
It enables the researcher to explore the
nature of their practice and to improve it. It encourages the practitioner to
become knowledge-makers, rather than merely knowledge-users.
4. Evaluation Research
Evaluation research, also known as
program evaluation is the systematic assessment of the time, money, effort, and
resources spent in order to achieve a certain goal. It uses many of the same
methods used in traditional social research. It is used to evaluate any program
or organizational activity. It is the evaluation of implemented programs about
their effectiveness. There are three main types of evaluation.
evaluation-means process evaluation
Phase or
periodic evaluation- means stage wise evaluation
evaluation-Evaluation after the completion of the program
5. Inter-Disciplinary Research
This is
the most effective research type to understand complex social problems, as social
problems are interwoven, it is hard for a researcher to be strict to one discipline
and leave the others. Through this type of research, a researcher is privileged
to enjoy the benefits of multi-discipline strategies to acquire a solution to complex
problems. It is the study of structure or functions of a particular discipline
or comparison of one discipline with another.
6. Exploratory Research
research is done to investigate a problem that has not been studied or
profoundly investigated in the past. In exploratory research, the researchers
try to gain familiarity with an existing phenomenon and obtain new insight into
the details of the problem. In exploratory research, the research process
varies according to the finding of new data or insight. The answer to the
questions like what, how, and why are acquired in this research.
7. Descriptive Research
research is done to describes the characteristics of the population or
phenomenon under study. In this research, the focus is more on the “what” of
the research subject than the “why”. The difference between exploratory
and descriptive research is that exploratory research discovers the ideas and
thoughts, whereas, descriptive research describes mainly the functions and
characteristics of a certain problem. The descriptive research uses
description, classification, measurement, and comparison to describe.